Background- Healing

( Norwegian and English text )

Diploma student from the Norwegian Spiritualist Union. Authorized healer and member of The Norwegian Spiritualist Healer Union which is officially recognized by The Norwegian Ministry of Health. Advanced courses in healing and mediumship in Norway and at the Arthur Findlay College in England (the world’s foremost College for the advancement of Psychic Science). Courses with among others André Kirsebom, founder and leader of the Norwegian Spiritualist Union, and the world accredited healer/medium Simone Key. Tim Abbot. Moira Hawkins and the world recognized ” King of Sound Healing” Johnathan Goldman. I give platform talks on the influence of music and frequencies in healing. Workshops/seminars in Breathing, healing through the human voice, music frequencies and Chakra energies ( see “Courses” link). My articles have been printed both nationally and internationally ( see “Work and Publications” link ).

Findley College in England 2015

Findlay College in England 2015

Diplomstudent fra Den Norsk Spiritualist Forbund. Godkjent healer og medlem av Norsk Spiritualist Forening Healerforbund, godkjent av Helsedirektoratet. Videregående kurs i healing og mediumskap i Norge og på Arthur Findlay College i England (verdens fremste skole for psykisk vitenskap). Andre kurs med bl.a.den verdenskjente healer/medium Simone Key. Tim Abbot. Moira Hawkins og den anerkjent ” King of Sound Healing”, Johnathan Goldman. Jeg har diverse programmer / foredrag som inkluderer pust, bruk av musikk og frekvenser under healing. Workshop/seminarer i ” Healing med music frekvenser, stemmen og Chakra energi”. Ser ” Courses/kurs” lenk på menyen. Mine artikler har kommet på trykk  både i Norge og i utlandet ( ser ” Work and Publications ” link.