
” If you seek happiness, then study spiritualism” – Victor Hugo

” The Kingdom og God is within you” – Luke  17-verse 21

” Our own distinction of right or wrong is founded too much upon the immediate convenience of the community and does not inquire sufficiently deeply into the ultimate effect” Sir Arthur Conan Doyle.

Remember, when you leave this earth you can take with you nothing that you have received, only what you have given. A heart enriched by honest service and courage. St.Francis of Assisi ( 1182-1226 )

Music, being identical with heaven isn’t a thing of momentary thrills or even hourly ones. It’s a condition of eternity. The composer Gustav Holst.

There is so much good in the worst of us and so much bad in the best of us, that it hardly becomes any of us to talk about the rest of us. Edgar Cayce

On Attunement : There must be the emission of a purposeful thought force to initiate healing. The great healer Harry Edwards.

The earth’s magnetic resonance vibrates on the same frequency as the human heart, when in a relaxed alpha state.

Some active Spiritualists/ pioneers from modern Spiritual times ( 1848 ): Abraham Lincoln/Mary Todd Lincoln- Edgar Allan Poe-Mark Twain-Thomas Carlyle- Elizabeth Barrett Browning- Queen Victoria- W.B.Yeats- A.Conan Doyle- Emily Dickinson- Sir William Crooks to name a few.

Spiritual perception:Sybil Richardson- ” I am the universe of me, how I perceive is how I see. Deeds, good and bad sent out in space, lingering on in another place. Unfolding in truth  through forces that be, when in death I am faced with the universe of me”. Written by Sybil Richardson 2017.

A Ditty: As mere humans we will at sometime in our lives): Fumble.Stumble. Tumble, and at the end of the day Crumble, so don’t Grumble, we are all together in the Jungle. So learn to be Humble and let your heart Rumble. Written  by Sybil Richardson 2017.